Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Top 5: Mage PvP Guides for Mists of Pandaria

One of the things I was most looking forward to with the launch of World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria was hopping on my frost mage for some PvP. I was already fond of my alt and the fact that my mage would still be viable (perhaps that's an understatement) got me pretty excited for arena and rated battlegrounds. I fully anticipated that when the expansion launched I would dive headfirst into Arena and RBGs and get some decent rating in no time at all.

But the expansion has been out for awhile, which guides are the most informative from a reliable source?  The following are the Top 5 best Frost Mage PvP guides updated for Mists of Pandaria.


Noxxic PvP Frost Mage Guide - 5.0.5




5.0.5 Competitive Fire PvP (Official Forums)



 GotWarcraft's Frost Mage PvP Guide


  World Of Warcraft Mist Of Pandaria - Frost Mage PVP Rotation And One Shot Macro Patch 5.0.5


Cartoonz Frost Mage Tutorial - Gems, Enchants, Reforging, Stat Priority


 Top 5: Mage PvP Guides for Mists of Pandaria

Thanks For Reading
-Pandaria PvP 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

New Cartoonz Mage Video: BEAST MASTERY HUNTERS ARE CRAZY! - Frost Mage 2v2 Mists of Pandaria PvP

 Frost Mage 2v2 Mists of Pandaria PvP

Hello Pandaria PvPer's!  I usually don't share more than one video a week but I had to show you this CRAZY frost mage footage from one of the best & most famous mages, Cartoonz. Mage nerfs come sooner please! Haha!  -Pandaria PvP

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Mists of Pandaria PvP Featured Video of the Week: Feral Druid 400k+ Crits by Moziki Tribe

This week we have a video brought to you by Moziki Tribe on Youtube pulling off some crazy crits as Feral in Temple of Kotmagu.  This guy is a pretty "beast" feral, and demolishes multiple people. It's a pretty awesome video, check it out:



Tiego is back! After a long time of absence, I have finally finished my first Mists of Pandaria Video :) Feral Druids might not seem as good as they did in Cataclysm, however, I prove everyone wrong with my extreme PvP damage and crits :) Hope you guys like it! Don't forget to Comment, Rate, Favorite and subscribe!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Mists of Pandaria PvP: Windwalker Monk PvP Guide (5.0.5)

 Mists of Pandaria PvP: Windwalker Monk PvP Guide (5.0.5)


Khaka over at the battle.net forums made a great guide on everything you need to know to dominate in PvP as a Windwalker Monk. Check it out below ~

        First of all I'm not a multi glаd suреr hero wrіting thiѕ guide. I haνе limited (2150) experience in the arenas and І have reached 1.8k rating as a monk in seasоn 12 so far. I don't expect you to read my guide lіke a bible. Read it out and consider what works for you. This wοrkѕ for me and I'm really enjoying my mоnk!

      I wаnted to ѕhare my oрinions and make a gυіde аbout how to be ѕυсcessful aѕ a Windwalker Monk in PνP. I'νe beеn dυеling а lot of clаsses and I feеl mоnks аre іn a very goоd spot. Many people thіnk monks are bad, hence І'm even more eager tο write thiѕ.

1. Stats
2. Reforging
3. Gems & Enchants
4. Gear
5. Talents
6. Glyphs
7. Important abilities
8. General tips
9. Macros
10. DW or 2H
11. 5.1 -- http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/5644035117?page=4#72


Let's start off with stats. What stats does a windwalker want? In PvE Windwalkers currently reforge for haste mostly. After that comes crit and after that mastery. That's it for secondary stats.
In PvP your uptime on your target is very limited, which diminishes the benefit of haste greatly. Crit simply provides more burst for those short periods of time when you can hit your target.
That's why I'm reforging crit. Crit all the way.

Stat priority for PvP:
3% hit > Comfortable amount of Expertise > PvP Power > Agility > Crit > Haste > Mastery

You want as much PvP power you can get. It's good to have a balance of both Agi and PvP Power but having 40% PvP power really makes up for it. More on that on gemming section.


Reforging is very simple when following the stat priority and excluding other than secondary stats from the list.

Reforging priority for PvP:
3% hit > Expertise > Crit > Haste > Mastery

Expertise is very important for us because we are built around one skill: Rising Sun Kick. If that kick misses you lose 15% increased damage, Your MS effect, and a big chunk of damage.
It's very important to hit with this ability. That's why I value expertise very high.

Next comes crit. Crit is a very good burst stat. Critting with a Rising Sun Kick makes very good burst. Crit also helps our selfheals which haste or mastery does not.


Gemming is also very simple when you follow the stat priority. You will want to have PvP power over anything else. It's just too good to pass.
I don't think going after the 60 PvP resilience socket bonuses is worth it. I went for one 120 PvP Resilience socket bonus which I think could also be passable.
60 Agi and 180 PvP power are definitely worth it to go for and should be gemmed for.

Meta slot - Agile Primal Diamond
Red slot - Assassin's Imperial Amethyst
Yellow slot - Radiant Wild Jade (Use this on the shoulders, Stormy River's Heart on other yellows)
Blue slot - Stormy River's Heart

If the socket bonus isn't worth it to go for or if it's a prismatic socket gem for 320 PvP power.
Remember NOT to gem for hit rating under any circumstances. You only need 3% and you'll get it cheaper from reforging.

Enchants are pretty straight forward and are as follows:

Shoulder - Greater Tiger Claw Inscription
Back - Enchant Cloak - Superior Critical Strike
Chest - Enchant Chest - Glorious Stats
Wrist - Enchant Bracer - Greater Agility
Gloves - Enchant Gloves - Superior Expertise
Belt - Living Steel Belt Buckle
Legs - Shadowleather Leg Armor
Boots - Enchant Boots - Blurred Speed
2H - Enchant Weapon - Dancing Steel or Enchant Weapon - Windsong
MH - Enchant Weapon - Dancing Steel or Enchant Weapon - Windsong
OH - Living Steel Weapon Chain

I have no idea which weapon enchant is the best DPS. Just go whatever suits you best.


Choosing the right pieces and therefore maximizing your secondary stats is about being optimal. Too much hit or too little crit ruins the point of stat priority.
Neck: Malevolent Gladiator's Necklace of Proficiency
Back: Malevolent Gladiator's Cape of Cruelty
Wrists: Malevolent Gladiator's Armwraps of Accuracy
Waist:  Malevolent Gladiator's Waistband of Cruelty
Boots: Malevolent Gladiator's Boots of Alacrity

Those are the most optimal choices following the stat priority and to maximize the crit rating on your gear.

For trinkets you should buy the PvP trinket obviously + the On-use trinket. The On-use trinket provides you with a nice boost to your burst when combined with Xuen and Tigereye Brew.
Humans should get On-use and a proc trinket. These 2 give you a huge boost of PvP power.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Mists of Pandaria Tip #1: Useful addons for Mists of Pandaria

This video has some tips on what addons to use in Mists of Pandaria.The ... http://p.ost.im/p/dBggtH

Mists of Pandaria Tips: PvP Tip of the Day! BM Hunter Macros Guide - One Shot Macro

- Mists of Pandaria Tips: PvP Tip of the Day! -Hey everyone today's tip ... http://p.ost.im/p/dBuaA3

Perks N Peeves: Wild Pet Packs // WoW Pet Addiction Blog Spotlight

I wanted to share this really cool article from an already successful W ... http://p.ost.im/p/dBy8Y9

Mists of Pandaria Tips: Future PvP mmr changes and what they mean!

One of the best tips I can give you about PvP is you HAVE to stay up to ... http://p.ost.im/p/dBqGvQ

Pandaria PvP: Future PvP mmr changes and...

Check out this great article by our friends at MistsofPandariaTips.Blogspot.com!



 Mists of Pandaria Tips: Mists of Pandaria Tips: Future PvP mmr changes and...:  One of the best tips I can give you about PvP is you HAVE to stay up to date with the changes! How bad do you want that high-rating achiev...


Some good information and tips in this article about future mmr changes.

-Pandaria PvP

Friday, November 2, 2012

Blue Post- The PvP World Championship is here!

Hey Guys! Thanks For Reading Pandaria PvP!  The World Championship is coming and I'm exited to watch!

-Pandaria PVP

StarCraft II isn’t the only game at the Battle.net World Championship (BWC), taking place on Saturday, November 17 and Sunday, November 18 in Shanghai, China. Some of the best World of Warcraft players from around the world will also be sharing the spotlight in events that include a live raid encounter featuring the Stars and Supreme Quicksand raiding guilds, Challenge Mode dungeon races, and an epic Arena championship.

Dungeon Challenge Event
Day one of the Battle.net World Championship will get rolling with the Battle.net World Championship Dungeon Challenge. Two five-player teams from the raiding guilds in attendance, Stars and Supreme Quicksand, will conduct simultaneous Challenge Mode runs to prove who the fastest dungeon runners in the East really are. Each guild must select a single team and class composition to use throughout the event and will need to be prepared to take on Shado-Pan Monastery, Scarlet Halls, and Stormstout Brewery. Final times will be tallied to determine the winning guild.

Live Raid with Stars       
The Chinese guild Stars has a long history of facing down the toughest challenges in World of Warcraft with skill and aplomb, consistently ranking amongst the world’s top raiders. Meanwhile, the members of Supreme Quicksand proved themselves worthy at a recent raid challenge where they beat out five other top guilds in China with a Heroic Dragon Soul fastest clear time of 1 hour, 13 minutes, and 59 seconds. On the second day of the BWC, these guilds will be putting their considerable abilities on display as they race through the Heroic version of Mogu’shan Vaults.

World Championship World of Warcraft Arena Global Finals
Ten top Arena teams—two from each global region—are coming to Shanghai to face off for the title of 2012 Global Champion at the Battle.net World Championship. They’ll be vying for international glory and their share of a prize pool totaling $189,000.

First, this incredibly talented pool of players will have a chance to test their mettle against the field in a series of grueling best-of-five round robin matches. Then, the top four teams to emerge from the melee will move on to the double-elimination championship bracket to see which team is worthy of the title of Global Champion, and a championship purse worth over $100,000.

First Place - $105,000
Second Place -$45,000
Third Place - $27,000
Fourth Place -$12,000

Stay tuned for a full list of all of the teams competing in Shanghai!

View the original article here